Case Tracking Guide

    1. After instructing CTW to act for you in your sale or purchase, you will receive an email from us with a unique UserID and Password plus a link to the website.
    2. After selecting your new password you are then able to gain access and see a list of your Current Cases. To obtain the detailed tracking information you will need to click on the blue line of the property description where you will see just the information relating to that property. You can navigate back to the list of cases that you might have with us by clicking on the word Cases above.
    3. After selecting a property you are presented with a screen that is split into two sections:
      Documents:- Provides a list of all letters and documents we have produced. You can change the order the correspondence appears by clicking Created Date and then selecting “Sort Ascending” or “Sort Descending”. To view the correspondence, simply click the icon to download, in the right hand side under Actions.
      Case Status:- Shows you the key stages of your transaction in a list format. These stages will be dated and be ticked as each stage is completed. Not all stages will need to be completed or be relevant to your transaction. This section also has some stages that do not produce correspondence in the Documents section above.
      When you are finished looking at these sections, click on the section Cases to return to the list of your transactions with us. (Please remember that clients with a sale and purchase will need to look at the tracking for each transaction separately)
    4. Finally to exit please click on the My Account section and simply click Log Out.

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